s/worn out

an exhibition about broken promises.
Kunst Ausstellung
Von Freitag
18. Oktober
bis Dienstag
29. Oktober
Kunstraum am Schauplatz
Praterstraße 42
1020 Wien
➜ edit + new album ev_02xyKzSH0pK21zDnniuQo5
2 Termine im Archiv
bis Dienstag 29. Oktober
18. Okt. 2024 -
Di 29. Okt. 2024
s/worn out
Donnerstag 17. Oktober 2024
17. Okt. 2024
s/worn out bis 21:00 Eröffnung
eSeL – Socializing

Magdalena Herzog / Nathalie Koger / Nayeun Park / Total Refusal / Leonie
Seibold / Anna Vasof

Do powerful people make promises they never intend to keep? Despite the closeness of human connections, recurring patterns of hollow apologies and unfulfilled promises raise critical questions regarding the authenticity of communication and its ethical responsibility. Whether conveyed through patriotic slogans, impassioned political outbursts, or quiet contemplative whispers, a promise is a bond – a commitment that, once made, should be honored.

Oaths and promises emphasize the moral weight of the spoken word because they set expectations and affirmations of trust. If only those to whom we reveal our vulnerability to could be as honest about their intentions with a simple: “I solemnly swear that I am up to no good…”

The exhibition ‘s/worn out’ explores the inherent power dynamics in making and breaking promises, as well as the far-reaching impact of broken trust, from personal relationships to the global political stage. With the work of six artists, this exhibition examines how insincerity and unreliable commitment can decompose both private bonds and public confidence, revealing the cyclical tension between hope and disappointment.

Ausstellungsleitung: Marlene Heidinger
Assistenz der Leitung: Sophia Oberrauch, Sophie Schweizer
Kommunikation: Nabila van der Veen, Anatol Wetzer
YCC-Teamsupervision: Julia Harrauer
Grafische Gestaltung: Julia Harrauer

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